
rain, rain go away

It's kind of gross outside today...

...like, one of those "let's-stay-inside-all-day-curled-up-in-a-blanket-on-the-couch-with-a-cup-of-coffee-and-watch-movies-all-day" day.

Conversation with Justin regarding the gross-ness:

Me: Ehh, can I please just stay home today?
Justin: Aw, you're cute. 
Me: No, really, can I please?
Justin: It IS one of those days where it'd just be perfect to stay inside, curled up in your blanket and lie on the couch...
Me: ...lie on the couch watching tv all day! I was just going to say that!
Justin: Well, no, you can't.

Boo hoo. 
Why do I have to be a responsible person and go to class?


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